Happy Holidays and End of Year Wrap from John Holtz

Hey all! John Holtz, My Bait Shop Pro-staffer, and man on a mission to catch AS many fish as I can before the lid goes on! My goodness gracious it has been a productive fall! I think I have caught more big fish this fall, than I ever have! I have got to give credit where credit is due, the variety of lures that I have been throwing thanks to My Bait Shop is the reason for this season… If ya know what I mean!? But in all seriousness, as the end of 2019 grows near, I am thankful, I am humbled by the outpouring of support, and I am so excited for things to come!
2019 saw a very solid tournament year, despite crazy weather, high water, and general horrid fishing conditions throughout the Midwest. Like has been said, “You can make excuses, or catch fish… catching is more fun!”. With everything Mother Nature tossed our way, My Bait Shop and Keith’s help this year was the savior of a season that left us with such tough fishing conditions. It is so nice to know you have such a knowledgeable individual to bounce ideas off of. Not to mention a guy who can come up with the MOST obscure of baits that perform EVERY TIME!
The amount of interest in my little hobby got absolutely crazy after the Bassmasters article hit. It is fun for me on a personal level, but to get the message of all my great sponsors out there was the absolute best part. I am so glad that so many more people were turned on to what we all already knew, that My Bait Shop is the absolute tops! If it is new, or classic Keith has the perfect bait in his stock to help you catch old Mr. Big! It doesn’t matter if you are trying to get in as many shots on goal till the end, or if you are shopping for Christmas and next year… My Bait Shop has you covered! Oh and super excited to announce more video’s and more content from yours truly in the coming year. Keith and I have already worked out a fairly regular (irregular because it is me) video series!
Speaking of the future I am announcing a big move that I hope will be profitable for all involved. Although I still plan on fishing BASS Nation events to keep moving up, I am going to be fishing the Mo Bass Fishin’ Solo Pro Series in 2020. This is such a professional group. They have awesome social media, phenomenal up to date stats, and live streaming of tournament events for viewers at home to follow along. This is a great opportunity to highlight all my sponsors and show a bigger audience where to get the best gear out there! That being said, please keep following and sharing our content on social media and don’t forget WORD OF MOUTH… still the best way to actually make a connection! We are of course always hopeful to make new friends, but first and foremost here to assist the loyal fan-base My Bait Shop has formed. Keith and I both feel that loyalty and customer service is what sets My Bait Shop apart!
A very Merry Christmas to you and yours… and a New Year full of the best fishing OF YOUR LIFE!
Love, Peace, and sincerest of Thanks,
John P. Holtz
Pro Staff My Bait Shop
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