NFLCC-The Beginning
NFLCC Springfield, Missouri Events
NFLCC-The Beginning
Photographs by The Bassman®
Written by : Floyd Roberts

NFLCC Springfield Part I
The Beginning - By September 26, 1975 there was a list of members that had been developed. This list consist of a total of thirteen collectors and advertises the members name, address, phone number along with a note of how many lures are in their collection and what type lures they are interested in collecting.
Dick Streater sent out letters to members on October 20, 1975 and enclosed some photo's of his collection. He tells members about his collection and what lures he is interested in collecting. He has already been seriously collecting for about six years. At this time he has put together a book which illustrates every lure that he could get his hands on to photograph. Mr. Streater discusses the "Streater Point System" which is a system that he developed to facilitate trading by mail. This lure grading system is still being used today by the NFLCC. He also talked about lure abbreviations that he had developed. Through my NFLCC research and studies the FACTS did reveal that the majority of the lure abbreviations were devised by Clyde A. Harbin Sr. known as The BASSMAN. The Heddon Lure Information can be found in the inside cover of the 1977 publication of The James Heddon's Sons Catalogues by The Bassman. The only contribution Mr. Streater made to this entire page of abbreviations was the Slope Nose, L-rig, Toilet Seat and Surface Hardware.
March 5, 1976 Dudley Murphy sent out letters to fellow plug collectors stating that it has been about one year since the notion to form the National Fishing Lure Collectors Club (NFLCC). The next phase in forming the NFLCC was to establish an annual swap fest where members could visit and trade old plugs for an entire weekend. Mr. Murphy made an invitation to the first annual NFLCC swap fest which will be held on April 24 & 25 on campus of the School of the Ozarks at Point Lookout, Missouri. The founding members, Dudley Murphy, John Goodwin and Jerry Routh would be present to assist and guide members around the area. The steering committee decided it would save more time for trading if ballots were sent out in advance and the election for club officers would be conducted by mail. The results of the election for new officers would be announced on Sunday, April 25th.
Club Structure
Quote - The NFLCC consists of lure collecting enthusiasts who want to trade and correspond with other collectors. To become a member requires only that the interested collector submit his name and address and a few statements about his lures collecting interests. He must also be willing to allow his name and address to be circulated among the club members. The nature of correspondence among club members is an individual matter. The club acts only as a mechanism for introducing lure collectors and providing services outlined under the "Purposes of the Club".
Every effort is made to keep the club as informal and unstructured as possible. Some structure however is necessary. At this time, the club is being organized by a steering committee consisting of the original founders of the club. As soon as is practical, we want to elect officers to run this club.
Purpose of the club
Provide a list of lure collectors and the nature of their collections.
Stimulate trading of lures and correspondence among collectors.
Assist collectors to locate and identify fishing lures.
Establish procedures for determining the value of lures.
Find ways of more efficiently trading lures by mail.
Conduct and annual "Trade Fest" where lure collectors can meet as a group to trade and discuss lure collecting.
Conduct antique fishing lure contests. Unquote
February 2, 1976 John Goodwin sent out letters to member saying the first NFLCC Annual Swap Fest will be on April 23, 24 and 25th. The purpose of the letter is to let everyone know about the accommodations they have arranged and to fill out and send in the nomination ballot for club officers. President, Dudley Murphy, Vice President, John Goodwin and Secretary/Treasures, Jerry Routh were elected officers by the mail ballot before the first annual swap meet of April 1976.

(left to right) Clyde A. Harbin Sr. - Paul Haudrich - Dudley Murphy - John Goodwin
Dudley Murphy's June 27, 1976 letter to NFLCC Members reported that the first national club swap fest was over and those who were able to attend were delighted with the quality of lures on display and for trade. Most of the trading took place on Saturday and it lasted for fourteen to fifteen hours.
A suggestion has been made by R .L. Streater presented by Clyde A. Harbin Sr. to hold the next national swap fest in Dowagiac, Michigan with the possibility of a tour of the Heddon factory. The suggestion was well liked by members but will have to be voted on as summer approaches.
The election for officers was held at the 1976 Charter event and the United States was broken into four regions with a regional Vice President for each region. There was an enclosed map that showed each regions territory.
- President - Dudley Murphy
- Vice Pres. Region 1 - R. L. Streater
- Vice Pres. Region 2 - Kermit Mosier
- Vice Pres. Region 3 - Carl White
- Vice Pres. Region 4 - Seth Rosenbaum
- Secretary/Treasurer - John Goodwin
- Board of Directors - Jerry Routh - Clyde Harbin Sr. - Dudley Murphy
August 17, 1976 John Goodwin letter to members announces that a regional plug fest is to be held on October 15th & 16th at the School of the Ozarks the same place as the first national swap fest of last April. The location was the same as last April's, on the second floor of the Pfeiffer Science building. This was a regional fest, but all are invited.
March 28, 1977 John Goodwin letter to members states that preparations are being completed for the 2nd Annual National Plug Fest on June 17th &18th at Dowagiac, Michigan. An agenda will be sent out to members with the next mailing. There will be an election held to elect new club officers. Trophies will also be awarded for the "best" lure display and most "artistic" display along with a tour of the Heddon factory and take a trip to the Dowagiac River where plug fishing got its beginning.

This picture is in Grits Gresham Book, page 108. A 1966 publication that got Mr. Clyde A. Harbin Sr. "The BASSMAN" an invitation to the First Springfield NFLCC Event

May 13, 1977 John Goodwin letter to Plug Hunters - Arrangements for the 2nd Annual National Fishing Lure Collectors Club Swap fest at Dowagiac, Michigan are just about complete. John now has an agenda prepared for this two day event. Friday morning members will get a complete tour of the Heddon factory and will be able to view the Heddon collection of old lures. In the afternoon they will try to identify members unknown lures. Then a vote will be held for "Best Display", "Most Artistic Display" and "Greatest Distance" then elect officers for the next year. Saturday we will open up to the public to look, trade, sell and ask questions. At 3 o'clock we will break down, pack up then drive to the Dowagiac River where it all began for the purpose of tossing a lure into the Crick for old times sake and then Adjourn.

Non-Heddon lures removed from the Heddon Factory Display Board
June16, 1977 - Mr. Clyde A. Harbin Sr. arrived one day earlier than club members and while visiting with Bob Jones, commented that the NFLCC members and himself expected to see only Heddon products on the Dowagiac, Heddon Factory Old Lure Display Board. Bob made a request to Mr. Harbin if he would clean the board and only display Heddon lures. Mr. Harbin gladly accepted and worked for nine hours to remove the non-Heddon lures and performed his miracle and rearranged the Heddon Display Board. Clyde enjoyed himself rearranging the Heddon board and commented at the end that he just spent nine hours of pure pleasure researching in the "Candy Store".

June 17, 1977 - The Top Half of the James Heddon's Sons board after Clyde A. Harbin Sr. separated the non Heddon Lures. Notice the seven 1898 Heddon Hand Made Frogs.
June 30, 1977 - E. Alan Johnson, President of the James Heddon's Sons sent a letter to Mr. Harbin saying it was a pleasure to have met and expressed his appreciation for rearranging their lure display.

Clyde Harbin was granted permission to swap some of his Fancy Back Heddon lures of his choice with factory acceptance.
The "Best of Collection" trophy in a close race went to Mr. Clyde A. Harbin Sr. who displayed an extensive and impressive Heddon collection (over 1,000 Heddon baits) as well as many other wonderful baits from his collection. Also on display was his James Heddon's Sons Catalogues book which made a solid contribution to lure collecting. His efforts were commended for bringing some of his large collection up from Memphis, Tennessee which added to the members enjoyment.
The "Most Artistic" trophy went to Paul Haudrich. Paul did a terrific job and he even hauled a stump from Missouri's Current River all the way to Michigan for this event. He used this stump as a backdrop for part of his beautiful tackle display. Dudley Murphy was second in this competition.
The "Roadrunner" trophy went to Dick Streater who also placed second in the Best Collection as well. I am not clear the purpose or why this award was added to this event and through my research I understood that awards were to be given for "Best Display" and "Most Artistic Display". It is my opinion that in the early days of the club, politics got in the way and some rules would change to fit certain situations.
The election for officers was held and the results of the 1977 election were.
- President - John Goodwin
- Vice Pres. Region 1 - R. L. Streater
- Vice Pres. Region 2 - Paul Haudrich
- Vice Pres. Region 3 - Karl White
- Vice Pres. Region 4 - Seth Rosenbaum
- Secretary/Treasurer - James Wisdom
- Board of Directors - John Goodwin (3yrs) - Dudley Murphy (2yrs) - Clyde Harbin Sr. (1yr)

Paul Haudrich Display
June 17, 1977 - Paul Haudrich's Display won the "Most Artistic" trophy in the first Dowagiac NFLCC Swap Meet which was held in the Dowagiac Conservation club meeting room.

More of Paul Haudrich's Display that won the "Most Artistic" Display

More of the Paul Haudrick display at the June17, 1977 Dowagiac NFLCC Swap meet

Clyde A. Harbin Sr. Display
June 17, 1977 - Clyde A. Harbin Sr. display that won the "Best collection" trophy in the first Dowagiac NFLCC swap meet, held in the Dowagiac Conservation room.

July 15, 1977 John Goodwin letter to club members. John reported that the 2nd annual swap fest held at Dowagiac, Michigan was a huge success and they were all grateful to the Heddon people and to the Dowagiac Conservation Club for their help in making this 2nd annual swap fest a successful one.
July 21, 1977 Mr. Clyde Harbin Sr. sent a letter to Dr. John Goodwin, President of the NFLCC. "Quote" - Dear John, I respectively resign as a member of the Board of Directors of the National Fishing Lure Collector's Club as of this date.. "Unquote"
September 9, 1977 the next letter to members stated that there were complaints that there maybe dealers in our midst and won't trade lures but would rather sell lures at high prices. We think it would be a good idea if members make a statement that they are collectors and send in information of their collecting interest so the club could better meet their needs.
John Goodwin's February 1978 Newsletter tells members that the Creek Chub, Garrett, Indiana arrangements for the Third Annual National NFLCC meet have been delayed because of snow problems they are having. The spring newsletter will contain more information but to mark July 14 & 15, 1978 on their calendars for the dates of the next annual meet. John encourages new members that Clyde Harbin's, James Heddon's Sons Catalogue and Dick Streaters general catalogue of baits are excellent lure resource books and they should investigate the possibility of owning these books.
The 1978 Spring Newsletter to members announces that the Third Annual National NFLCC Convention will be held on July 14 & 15, 1978 at Osage Beach, Missouri in the Osage Beach High School. Creek Chub would be unable to host this event this year. The majority of members favored the Garrett site and were disappointed. The other favorable sites such as Hayward, WI. and Florida were still a year away from being ready.
Vernon Kirby has been working with the National Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame to setup a display of old fishing plugs. Presently they only have a collection of Musky lures. The plan is that NFLCC members can donate a lure in their name if they would have an extra one of the same. This would be a NFLCC display only.
June 26, 1978 letter to members finalizes the program format for the Third Annual National NFLCC convention on July 14 & 15, 1978 . They list an agenda and a prize list. There is now six prize categories. Best collection, overall - Best collection, major manufactures - Best collection, minor manufacturers - Road Runner, greatest distance - Most artistic display and Special awards. RULES - No one is eligible to win more than one first place trophy in the following categories: Overall, Major manufactures, Minor manufacturer and Artistic.
Mr. Clyde Harbin Sr. did not wish to attend the 1978 Third Annual National NFLCC Convention. Perhaps, Clyde decided not to attend because of the Contest Rules that changed on account of the First Contest.
By October 1, 1978 the National Fishing Lure Collectors Club members list had grown to 190 members.

October 1978 Newsletter to members was packed full of information. There was information on how to order Clyde Harbin's book, James Heddon's Sons Catalogues and Dick Streater's book of old lures. John Goodwin gives his final words as president. John says that he enjoyed his year at the helm and that lure collectors are a friendly bunch of people. He goes onto say that the last annual meeting at Osage Beach, Missouri went well and there were twenty-four collectors that set up displays. The club had two new things happen this year, one is that we had our first international exhibitor, Bruce Dyer from Canada and second we have our first lady exhibitor, Delores Adams from Oklahoma. New President, Clarence Zahn sent along a questionnaire and the second part has to do with members collecting habits and he asks if there is interest in forming a Rod and Reel division of the club.
December 18, 1978 Vernon Kirby Jr. announces to members that a lifetime NFLCC display will be set up at the National Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame in Hayward, Wisconsin. Members will be allowed to donate up to two lures and with 190 members in the club we have the resource to set up a large display. February 13, 1979 Bob Kutz, founder of the National Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame announced that arrangements are now complete and they are ready to accept donations from members to set up the NFLCC display. The display will have some general information of the NFLCC and each lure will have an ID and give credit to the donor along with their city or town and state.

A special announcement from President, Clarence Zahn saying that the 4th annual swap meet will be July 6 & 7 1979 at Dowagiac, Michigan.
In the March 1979 issue of the NFLCC Gazette Mr. Streater, Western region V.P. makes a few interesting announcements. One announcement that stuck out like a sore thumb was about members advertising for old lures. He tells members that "he doesn't think they should advertise in each others backyards for old lures. There are other ways to do your looking like writing an article on collecting and have it published in your local and regional media, not in the National media". He also asked members not to do any individual advertising in the Dowagiac area prior to the July 1979 swap meet. Let the club do the local promotion and all the members will be able to share in the results.

President, Clarence Zahn announced a tentative establishment of a Rod and Reel division of the NFLCC. In order to establish a permanent Rod and Reel division it would have to be voted in by members. The NFLCC membership has now grown to 225 members. Later on he goes on to say that members who attended either of the last two annual swap meets will notice a change in the upcoming July event. Members were questioning why there was competition between fellow members collections. It was decided this year there will be no competition for Best Collection and Artistic Display.
In the June 1979 issue of the NFLCC Gazette Vernon Kirby reports on the National Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame project. There were twenty-five members that donated 58 lures for the NFLCC life long display. The Hall of Fame personnel will start on the display and it will be finished shortly. This finalizes this project and thanks to members for their support.
James Heddon's Sons Inc. in a news release to the public reported that the NFLCC will be holding their annual meeting at the Dowagiac Union High School on July 6 & 7, 1979. Approximately fifty members will attend this meet and all parts of the nation will be represented. There will be over 12,000 lures on display with a value over $100,000. Member, Clyde A. Harbin Sr. from Memphis, Tennessee will be displaying over 2,000 lures from his collection. The release also states that two members have written books on antique lure collecting. Clyde Harbin Sr. of Memphis has published his book on past Heddon catalogues and Dick Streater of Seattle published his book on general information of all lure manufacturers.

James Heddon's and Son's News Release
July 6 & 7, 1979 4th Annual Swap meet Dowagiac, Michigan held at the Dowagiac High School

President Clarence Zahn requested that Clyde A. Harbin, Sr. bring his collection to the 2nd Dowagiac swap meet for new members to view

The Clyde A. Harbin, Sr. Collection at the 2nd Dowagiac Swap Meet

July 8, 1979 - After the swap meet Mr. Harbin stopped for a visit at the Dowagiac Creek where it all began.

Clyde Harbin Sr. took this picture from the highway bridge on July 8, 1979. The reason for this picture is, back on June 19, 1977 after the first NFLCC Dowagiac swap meet several members stopped and got out fishing rods and presented Heddon lures in the Dowagiac Creek for future lure collecting luck.

- President - Joe Courcelle - Gretna, Louisiana
- Secretary/Treasurer - Jackie Hewlett - Austin, Texas
- Newsletter Editor - Larry Smith - Portage, Michigan
- Vice President - Region #1 - Monte Martinson - Castle Rock, Washington
- Vice President - Region #2 - Clarence Grim - Columbia, Missouri
- Vice President - Region #3 - Joe Nelson - Guthrie, Oklahoma
- Vice President - Region #4 - Dave McCleskey - Fairfield, Alabama
- Vice President - Region #5 - Rich Cardinal - Moosup, Connecticut
In the September NFLCC Gazette the club again mentions the March 1979 Gazette issue when Mr. Streater states that he does that not recommend that members advertise for lures or other fishing equipment outside of their territory. The letter goes on to say there are other ways to obtain lures and that members should use their membership list for trading or buying lures or any fishing equipment.
December 19, 1979 Mr. Clyde Harbin Sr. wrote NFLCC President, Joe Courcelle asking to print information about a new book called "The Spooners" by Harvey W. Thompson in the next NFLCC newsletter. President, Mr. Edward A. Eppinger of the Eppinger Manufacturing Company has made up a booklet for those who contributed to the history of fishing spoons. Mr. Harbin told Mr. Eppinger of the NFLCC and it's 300 members and Mr. Eppinger said any member that requested this book would receive a copy. Mr. Harbin said that the Eppinger Company is to be commended for this fine effort and the offer to share this book with each member. Joe Courcelle did print this information in the January, 1980 NFLCC Gazette. The club gave Clyde Harbin Sr. credit for discovering "The Spooner" book.
In this issue they also mention another NFLCC member has just published his new book, Collecting Old Fishing Tackle by Art Kimball of Boulder Junction, Wisconsin. The book is co-authored by his son Scott and Art's wife Annie is assisting with the typing an proofreading. Scott and his other brother Brad were doing the artwork.
The next annual meeting will be held in Paris, Kentucky on July 11, 12 & 13, 1980. It will be at the American Legion Hall and there will be two important items on the agenda of the business meeting this year. The first item is a review and voting on a new constitution for the NFLCC including trading agreements and guidelines. The second item will be the election for officers.
The 1980 - 1981 NFLCC Officers are as follows:
- President - Joe Courcelle - Gretna, Louisiana (re-elected)
- Secretary/Treasurer - Jackie Hewlett - Austin, Texas (re-elected)
All Vice Presidents were re-elected
- Vice President - Region #1 - Monte Martinson - Castle Rock, Washington
- Vice President - Region #2 - Clarence Grim - Columbia, Missouri
- Vice President - Region #3 - Joe Nelson - Guthrie, Oklahoma
- Vice President - Region #4 - Dave McCleskey - Fairfield, Alabama
- Vice President - Region #5 - Rich Cardinal - Moosup, Connecticut
In the September 1980 issue there was a copy of the temporary NFLCC Constitution. This temporary document was adopted at the last national meet in July.
Mr. Clyde Harbin Sr. had camera problems at the 1980 meet. If you are thinking there are no pictures for 1980 you guessed correct BUT stay tuned for more great pictures for 1981 and more information about the NFLCC.
The 1981 National Fishing Lure Collectors Club meet will be held July 17, 19, 19, 1981 in Memphis, Tennessee. This meeting will have a new feature for NFLCC members, seminars will be held on lure values, identifying repainted lures, hardware changes and more.
In this December 1980 Gazette they announced that Bruce Boyden has accepted the responsibilities of the Reel Division. The new section on reels began with this issue of the Gazette.

July 17, 1981 - Mr. and Mrs. Clyde A. Harbin Sr. 1105 Marlin Road, Memphis had invited the NFLCC membership to visit their Antique Lure Collection. Not all members attended because they were busy setting up displays and trading.

Clarence Zahn (left) at the 1981 Memphis, Tennessee swap meet.

1981 Memphis Tennessee Swap Meet - Dick Streater (left) - Jackie Hewlett (front) - Joe Courcelle (right)
NFLCC Springfield Part IV

October 1, 1977 - Books of Americana commissioned Walter G. Murphy to author a price guide of antique fishing tackle for it's collector series. He wishes to feature Mr. Clyde A. Harbin's Sr. collection in the book if he would provide photo's, old catalogs, collector prices and other collectors of old rods, reels and lures. October 5, 1977 Mr. Harbin responded to the letter and enclosed the information and photos that Walter Murphy requested.
October 9, 1978 about one year later Walter Murphy wrote Mr. Harbin and apologized for the long delay but because of the tremendous amount of time required, he no longer could do this project and he will have to turn it back to the publisher Mr. Alexander, President of Books Americana.
October 23, 1978 Dan Alexander, President of Books of Americana in a letter thanked Mr. Clyde A. Harbin Sr. for wanting to continue and help with the price guide book after Walter Murphy declined to move forward with this project. Dan stated that after the project was turned back to him he contacted a man that has done several other books for him and asked him to contact Mr. Harbin to see if they would proceed with this book Dan did not mention this persons name but said he is a good researcher and organizer but he does not know enough about old lures and would need Mr. Harbin's knowledge of old lures and assistance. This person will be contacting you in the very near future.
October 27, 1978 Mr. Clyde A. Harbin Sr. replied to Dan's previous letter thanking him and said that he awaits for his "man" to contact him on the lure price book publication.
November 2, 1978 Clyde Harbin received a harsh and very direct letter from Dick Streater (also know as Moose) that he read in the Antique Trader Newspaper of the plan to publish a price guide for old lures. Mr. Streater stated right now Antique Dealers don't know what they are doing and we should keep it that way. He went on to say, lure collecting is a hobby and if a price guide would get in the hands of Antique Dealers prices of lures would elevate so high that new collectors could no longer afford to collect. He also wanted to debate this with Mr. Harbin by phone. He ended the letter on a much higher note, he talks about his recent lure trades, how his book sales have gone up and the recent duck hunting trip he had with his 16 year old daughter.
November 6, 1978 Clyde Harbin Sr. responded to Dick's letter of November 2nd. Clyde thanked him for the "interesting" letter and explained that Walter Murphy is no longer going to write the book and the publisher may undertake the project. At this point there is no need to get upset about a price guide because it may not get printed. Clyde suggested that Dick should write a price guide himself, he already has the Streater Point System that in his own words is based on dollars and cents. Clyde stated that he has never told any member what they should or should not do and he does not intend to permit his life to be run by anyone but himself. He said he would listen and hear out what anyone has to say and has been noted to change directions. Mr. Harbin ended this letter telling Mr. Streater that his letter was valued and his position was respected.
November 24, 1978 Mr. Streater in response to Mr. Harbin's November 6th letter said he also is capable of changing directions and if Clyde could sell me on the idea of a price guide that he might support the idea and help in it's production. Dick's opinion still was that a price guide is for Antique Dealers and if members needed values they could get advice from any advanced collector.

Carl F. Luckey photographing lures for another section of the First Edition of the value guide book in Early 1979
November 12, 1978 Carl F. Luckey contacted Mr. Clyde Harbin Sr. by letter and acknowledged that he was the person that Dan Alexander spoke of to take on the price guide book for old fishing lures. Carl said that he has all the material that has been gathered up to this point and has studied it and now he is ready to take on this project. He would like to set up a visit at Mr. Harbin's home in Memphis, Tennessee to introduce himself and discuss what he needs to do next.
November 15,1978 Mr. Clyde Harbin Sr. wrote Carl Luckey in regards to doing a price guide book on fishing lures. Clyde said that he had the lures, catalogues, a rough draft of a "Ye Olde Bass Lures" book which he stopped to await Walter Murphy's completion of the Alexander price guide. Mr. Harbin also had access to knowledgeable lure collectors who could supply information that he did not know. With a mutual agreement or contract Mr. Harbin would make this available to Dan Alexander and Carl Luckey.

Carl F. Luckey setting up his light tent to start photographing lures from Mr. Clyde A. Harbin Sr. (The Bassman) collection for the first edition of the Value Guide Book in Early 1979

Comment from Floyd Roberts - Author: As I conducted my research of the NFLCC I found that NFLCC members, some which held high positions in the club did resist the idea of a price guide. As an avid lure collector I believe that Clyde A. Harbin Sr. and Carl F. Luckey realized the need and had the foresight to establish this price guide and set price standards and control. Mr. Luckey was a great writer and researcher and Mr. Harbin was the knowledgeable lure collector with the experience to price the lures and reels for this book. I could think of no better pair to work on this price guide. I give special recognition to Mr. Clyde A Harbin Sr. and Mr. Carl F. Luckey for their efforts and contribution to art of antique lure collecting and for being able to see the future and overcome the obstacles that were put in front of them while putting together this price guide.
The End of The NFLCC Springfield, Missouri Events
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