Heddon Craw Shrimp

Heddon Craw Shrimp No. 375

Heddon - Dowagiac, Michigan


Original Lure Lore Article:
Heddon Craw Shrimp 
Heddon Craw Shrimp


Plastic lures are fast becoming hot items in the fishing tackle collectable field so this edition features one such lure, the Craw/Shrimp. This lure first appeared in 1969 and was made by Daisy-Heddon. It measures 2 7/8 inches in length, weighs 1/2 oz. and has two trebles fastened to the lure by screw-eyes. This sinking lure came with the leader wire as shown. The body design of the lure was such that it "sends out waves of high frequency vibrations heard and felt by large and small mouth bass, walleye - all fresh and salt water game fish..." according to the Daisy-Heddon catalog. The Craw/Shrimp was only made for three (3) years, 1969 thru 1971.

Heddon Craw Shrimp Colors

Heddon Craw Shrimp Colors

Heddon's series or catalog number for the Craw/Shrimp was #375 and came in Amber Gold (AGO), Amber (AMB), Amber Yellow (AMY), Amber Green (AMG), Amber White (AMW), Amber Pearl (AMP), Amber Red (AMR), Amber Black (BAM), Purple (PRL), Blue (BLV), Rainbow (RBO), and Amber Pink (PNK). Collector value for this lure ranges from $10 to $25 in excellent condition. 

Heddon Craw Shrimp

Heddon Craw Shrimp color variation

There are some variations in the color pattern of Heddon's Craw/Shrimp, one of which is the absence of the black markings on the sides. The above picture shows one such example for the Amber White color, AMW.



My Bait Shop Updates:

Here are some updates.  Additional ones will be added over time so be sure to check back.

  • While the Heddon Craw Shrimp was only made from 1969-1971 it was still noted in 1973 as "Still in stock" in most colors.
  • The color BAM (Amber Black) was incorrectly listed in the 1970 and 1971 catalogs as AMB (Amber) thus created a duplicate code even though they are different colors.



Test Your Knowledge:  Heddon Craw Shrimp FAQ's:

When was the Heddon Craw Shrimp fishing lure made?
The Heddon Craw Shrimp fishing lure was made by Heddon out of Dowagiac, Michigan from 1969-1971.

How many colors did the Heddon Craw Shrimp come in?
The Heddon Craw Shrimp came in twelve standard colors from 1969-1971.

Where can I find more information on the Heddon Craw Shrimp Fishing Lure?
You can find more information on our website My Bait Shop where we have a full page dedicated to the Heddon Craw Shrimp.

Related Articles / Pages:

Lure Lore:  More great Lure Lore articles on My Bait Shop featuring in depth lure reviews and historical data.  An ever-growing section started in 1997 and continued on today at My Bait Shop.

Heddon History:  Heddon history and information at My Bait Shop.  Our page where we are continually adding historical information about Heddon.  Be sure to check back as we add more information all the time.

Heddon Lures for Sale:  Heddon lures for sale at My Bait Shop.  Our selection of Heddon lures for sale.  Different ages and price ranges.  Whether you are looking for your collection or tackle box we have something for you.  We add to our inventory almost daily.

Heddon Catalog Covers:  Heddon Catalog Covers and History from 1902 - Present.

Lures For Sale:  See what we have in stock at My Bait Shop for vintage lures.  Our ever changing inventory makes this worth repeat visits.

Unknown Lures

Unknown Fishing Lures

The three lures shown here may well be home-made, particularly the top one. The bottom two, however, show some signs of craftsmanship and are certainly oddities if nothing else! 

If you have any further information on any of the items displayed on this page which you'd like to share, please send your comments to me and I'll update the page accordingly. Contributions of interesting items and/or unknowns are encouraged.

(Originally Published on LureLore.com on June 15, 1997 - Vol. 2, No. 12)
Moved to My Bait Shop in 2022 and updated as applicable

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