Heddon Big Hedd
Heddon Big Hedd No. 9330
Heddon - Dowagiac, Michigan

Along about the mid-1970's, the Heddon Company decided to use the Heddon name (or parts thereof anyway) in the naming of their lures. As a result, we have lures named HEDD PLUG, HEDD-HUNTER, HEDD-HUNTER MINNOW, GLO HEDD-HUNTER, POPEYE HEDD-HUNTER, and the BIG HEDD.
The Big Hedd was first produced in 1974 and was made for 5 years, ending in 1978. Assigned Heddon #9330, it weighed 5/8 oz. and measured 3-1/4" in length. The lure has a plastic lip that is molded into the body. The lure is a floating-diving lure and was intended to be fished by retrieving, then stopping to allow the lure to float to the surface, then retrieved, then floated, etc.
Perhaps the most interesting thing about this lure is the description that appears in the 1974 catalog that states, "The new pregnant lure with the built in rattle that fishermen are talking about." What relationship the lure's name and description have I leave to you to judge...(did I say 'no wisecracking'?)
Listed colors for this lure included BWR, BGL, GSD, SSD, SUN, BO, BRW, BAR, CDF, OCD, RCD, BCD, CD, GCD, JON, OYG, and BJO. In the 1977 and 1978 catalogs, the lure is listed as having a 'clear' lip. Some examples of this are in the following color charts which show the lure in the colors listed above plus unlisted colors provided by readers of Lure Lore:
Heddon Big Hedd Color Chart 1
Heddon Big Hedd Color Chart 2
Heddon Big Hedd Color Chart 3
Collector value range is under $10 ($20-$30 for new-in-box) for common colors though there are some that can sell for $100+. (Note: these price estimates are from the original 1998 article.)
UPDATE:NFLCC member Sam Husselmann sent 4 colors including BB (Baby Bass) and YCD (Yellow Coach Dog) not listed above. The YCD has a clear belly and the BB has a clear lip. These were added to the picture. Also added is a Black & White Shore color (XBW) and Clear (C).
UPDATE: 3-1-2020: Pictured below is a variation of the color Green Shad (GSD) which lacks the pinkish color along the sides and also has a orange eye.
Big Hedd Green Shad variation (Picture courtesy of Blake Beltz!)
- Below is a photo of a dealer box we had for sale on My Bait Shop of Big Hedd's. Quite the colorful display.
Heddon Big Hedd Dealer Box
Heddon History: Heddon history and information at My Bait Shop. Our page where we are continually adding historical information about Heddon. Be sure to check back as we add more information all the time.
Heddon Lures for Sale: Heddon lures for sale at My Bait Shop. Our selection of Heddon lures for sale. Different ages and price ranges. Whether you are looking for your collection or tackle box we have something for you. We add to our inventory almost daily.
Heddon Catalog Covers: Heddon Catalog Covers and History from 1902 - Present.
Lures For Sale: See what we have in stock at My Bait Shop for vintage lures. Our ever changing inventory makes this worth repeat visits.
Unknown Lure
NFLCC member Dan Basore sends this edition's 'unknown'. Note the interesting front lip and rear hook hanger.
5/24/2014: IDENTIFIED! This lure is called a Plug-O-Fly and was made by Master Lures of Springfield, Ohio. The company owner, Claude Fenderson, was also the designer of the lure. It dates to around 1950 and came in both a floating and sinking model. It is illustrated in company literature with a tail treble dressed with buck tail.[1]
Special thanks to Lawrence Kavlock for identifying this neat lure!
[1] Robert A. Slade, The Encyclopedia of Old Fishing Lures Made in North America, Vol. 11 (Trafford Publishing, 2011), 223
If you have any further information on any of the items displayed on this page which you'd like to share, please send your comments to me and I'll update the page accordingly. Contributions of interesting items and/or unknowns are encouraged.
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