Bassman™ Visits Bass Pro Shops
The Bassman™ Visits the New Bass Pro Shops
"Sportsman's Warehouse"

Invitation Bass Pro Shop Sportsman's Warehouse

Mr. Tony Isbell, Visual Manager of Bass Pro Shops "Sportsman Warehouse"
Mr. Tony Isbell is removing the screws to release the metal bands which hold the heavy duty thick glass from the display of crank baits Fred Young original "Big 0" and other crank baits. Also in this display are three Balsa Wood Patterns of the Clyde A. Harbin hand crafted "Double 00" models by year so marked.

The Clyde Harbin "Double 00" Hand Crafted Crank Bait
After Mr. Harbin visited the lure display in May of 2002 he requested that a "Double 00" be added form the World Famous Lure Collection that Mr. Johnny Morris had acquired from Mr. Harbin in the Spring of 1995. Mr. Rick Collins, Bass Pro Shops Wild Life Operations Manager, Springfield, Mo. immediately responded and sent this Clyde Harbin crank bait for the addition to the crank bait display.

Top Bait - The "Double 00" from Bass Pro Shops 1995 Mr. Harbin lure collection. Bottom Bait - Un-fished "Double 00" which was returned to Mr. Harbin by Robert Edward Ferguson. Mr. Ferguson thru the years provided the artwork for all the Heddon Hardware, Handmade Heddon Frogs and other lure artwork for Mr. Harbin's books since 1977. Mr. Ferguson is Mr. Harbin's good bass fishing friend of over 42 years (in the front of the boat). This returned "no eye model" lure was needed for insertion in this crank bait display. The under lip is marked "CAH 00".

"Double 00" Templates and Patterns

Mr. Tony Isbell installed each lure into position. The Bass Pro Shops lure is below the Balsa Wood Model. The Ed Ferguson "Double 00" lure is in position so the under lip engraving "CAH 00" could be read.

Close Up Photos

The above are some of the remaining Clyde A. Harbin "Double 00" crank baits. Today they are in Mr. Harbin Son's tackle box.
Tim Watts, Grandson of Mr. & Mrs. Clyde A. Harbin, Sr. visited Bass Pro Shops "Sportsman Warehouse" July 22, 2002.

Tim Watts made the above eight photographs of lures which he recalls hearing about as a youngster and from the many swap meets he attended with his grandfather while he was growing up.
The Bassman's™ Family - Thanksgiving 2002
The following three photographs were taken on 11/29/02 of some of the Bassman's family members while visiting the Old Lure Display at Bass Pro Shops "Sportsman Warehouse".

(left to right) Dewayne Ponds, Dr. Emily Watts, Tim Watts and Lonnie Smith pose in front of the Clyde A. Harbin Lure Collection "Essay" board.

Clyde A. Harbin Sr. and Lonnie Smith. In the background enjoying the exhibit Dewayne Ponds and Tim Watts are inspecting the lure display.

(left to right) Clyde A. Harbin, Sr., Tim Watts and a "Sportsman Warehouse" lure collector gathering information of Tim's latest Ebay purchase. Tim had just won an Ebay auction of a rare Heddon "Woodpecker" during his annual Thanksgiving visit at Mr. & Mrs. Harbin's home in Memphis, Tennessee. Mr. Harbin assisted his grandson in this purchase.
Dewayne Ponds and Lonnie Smith are Son-In-Laws of Clyde A Harbin II. Both gentelmen reside in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Tim Watts of Arlington Heights, Illinois is the son of Dr. Emily Watts of Bloomington, Illinois. Tim Watts is a lifetime member of the NFLCC and an extremely knowledgeable old lure collector.

(11/28/02 Ebay item #1971666392) - Rare First Version of a Heddon Woodpecker - Photograph downloaded by CAH

Tim Watts lure of his Rare First Version Heddon Woodpecker. Lure scanned by CAH on 12/05/02 at his home in Memphis.

This photograph was taken 07/02/03 of Mr. Clyde A. Harbin Sr. with Mr. Rickey Fuller and son Todd Fuller. Mr. Fuller told Mr. Harbin of his grandfathers tackle box of lures which he wanted to learn more about and find collector values for these lures. Mr. Harbin suggested that he purchase a copy of "Old Fishing Lures & Tackle" by Carl F. Luckey with Clyde Harbin, Sr., "The Bassman".

Above - Mrs. Clyde A. Harbin Sr. in the center enjoying the Bass Pro Shops lure display

Below is the original Bass Pro Shops essay of the Clyde A. Harbin Sr. Lure Collection story. Bass Pro Shops featured this story at their exhibit of The Clyde A. Harbin Lure Collection at the Sportsman's Warehouse Store in Memphis. Mr. Rick Collins of Bass Pro Shops was so kind to furnish me with a copy of the story.

Bass Pro Shops essay of the Clyde A. Harbin Sr.

Front Cover of The James Heddon's Sons Catalogue Book by The Bassman

Front Cover of The Heddon Historical Footprints Book by The Bassman
Mr. Robert Edward Ferguson provided the artwork of James Heddon's first lures for Mr. Harbin's "James Heddon Sons Catalogues" book. Mr. Ferguson and Mr. Harbin are good bass fishing friends and long term friend of over 42 years.

1976 Artwork by Mr. Robert Edward Ferguson
The below artwork was supplied for Mr. Harbin's "Heddon Historical Footprints" book by Mr. Robert Edward Ferguson.

Artwork by Mr. Robert Edward Ferguson

(left) Keith Towles (right) Jim Osborne

Back Cover of Old Fishing Lures & Tackle

07/02/03 - (Father) Mr. Clyde A. Harbin Sr. & (Son) Mr. Clyde A. Harbin II
This is a recent photograph of Mr. Clyde A. Harbin Sr. (Father) & Mr. Clyde A. Harbin II (Son) enjoying time together at the "Sportsman's Warehouse" at Bass Pro Shops in Memphis on July 2, 2003.
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If you have any further information on any of the items displayed on this page which you'd like to share, please send your comments to me and I'll update the page accordingly. Contributions of interesting items and/or unknowns are encouraged.
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